Why Choose Custom Abutments and Implants Designed at Midway Dental Laboratory?

Malfunctions in dental implants lead to several disorders, such as gum irritation, improper occlusion, and even bone resorption. People need specialized treatment to address these issues. Traditional methods like stock abutments lack the details and contours for an optimal fit. Sometimes, this destroys the entire look and functionality, especially when using invisible braces.

Midway Dental Laboratory uses advanced technology to address these issues. Digital scans ensure accuracy while allowing for a higher level of customization.

Digital Workflow for Precision and Efficiency

Midway Dental Laboratory uses an advanced digital workflow to ensure accuracy. Instead of using traditional scans, they use high-resolution 3D intraoral scans. They capture images in STL files that are easy to transmit within a few hours. Digital scanning reduces the time between the scan and the treatment. This entire process is quick, easy, and reliable. For accuracy, they use CAD/CAM technology that measures every millimeter with precision.

Material and Design Considerations

Midway Dental Laboratory uses top-quality materials. They are specific about the materials they use in procedures. Generally, they prefer zirconia abutments for treatments like anterior region procedures. Its strength and biocompatibility make it a perfect element. On the other hand, titanium is used in posterior restorations due to its durability under pressure.

Moreover, they take extra steps to reduce the risk of crowns and misalignments. Custom abutments give a natural contour to the gingiva to make implants compatible. It improves both aesthetic and functional outcomes, similar to the benefits provided by invisible teeth aligners.

Reduced Remakes and Improved Outcomes

Midway Dental Laboratory’s unique approach significantly reduces malfunctions. It includes a reduction in remakes due to margin issues, a reduction in fit problems, and a reduction in occlusal issues. Precision provides a long-term solution to dental treatments.

Additionally, they take all the required steps to reduce contamination risk. They don’t leave any physical impressions, which significantly improves the outcomes.

Streamlined Case Submission and Delivery

Midway Dental Laboratory has developed a process to streamline the entire case submission process. From uploading STL files to finishing treatments, they have a transparent process. Their team ensures a smooth customer experience through effective communication. Then comes the best part: their precision in choosing high-quality materials eliminates malfunctions and other defects.

Midway Dental Laboratory primarily runs on three principles—accuracy, efficiency, and durability, making it an excellent choice for those seeking an invisible aligner for teeth.

Learn more about orthodontic appliances and more at https://midway-dentallab.com/


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